Who We Are

For more than 30 years, the Moussa Foundation has worked to empower children and families in the Southern Lebanon town of Deirmimas. Our efforts began with Ibrahim and Aziza Moussa, who placed great value on education and were committed to bringing resources to the small, underserved community they loved.

When Ibrahim and Aziza passed away in 2002, family members expanded on their generosity by establishing a foundation that would improve the lives of local children who demonstrate academic achievement. Today, the Moussa Foundation funds scholarships that enable children to start and stay in school and provides financial aid to needy families in Deirmimas. We do that in collaboration with schools and colleges, as well as orphanages, churches, convents, monasteries and children’s hospitals focused on caring for those in need.

To date, the Moussa Foundation has granted more than 300 scholarships. Recipients have become doctors, lawyers and engineers after graduating from universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, American University of Beirut and the University of Michigan. Their success is a testament to the power of giving, and the empowerment of education.

The Moussa Foundation is a non-profit organization.

Sami Moussa
Samir Musa
Abie Musa
Wafa Moussa Aljamal